Horse Sports Massage Improves Muscle Tone

Massage is the therapeutic application of hands-on techniques recognized since a long time for the purpose of increasing circulation and range of motion. The process improves the horse's stamina and overall performance.  It relieves muscle spasm and strain and increases muscle tone. Excess use, over stretching and overloading muscles can cause tissue lesions. This can limit the motion and create pain.

The goal of the Equine sports massage Bedfordshire is to assure complete relaxation to horses. The application of various therapeutic methods and techniques make the process successful. It is important to identify the muscles and their functions, observe the horse's movement and development and apply the massage. The correct ranges of motion stretching and warm-up exercises are truly essential. The professionals are involved in the maintenance of the well-being of the horse.

During the session the horse is massaged with utmost care using various massage techniques.  Passive stretches are applied once the muscle groups have been isolated and softened.

Benefits of horse sports massage:

Muscular relaxation /stimulation

 Improved fluid circulation

Improved disposition

Increase energy

Improved stamina

Separation of muscle from connective tissue

Increase range of motion at joints

Reduce anxiety and competition stress

Horse massage has shown several benefits. Increase in blood circulation leads to faster elimination of toxins from the body, elimination of muscle spasms and so reduced chances of injury. The process increases muscle tone and enhances nerve supply. This results in helping peak performance and reducing stiffness. There are also psychological benefits as well besides reducing stress. Massage can also act as a way to improve performance before the race. A massage just before racing can help to stimulate the horse to maximize its physical and mental performance. A massage after the event detects any possible problems, relieves tension and prevents muscle exhaustion. The treatment is a way to help speed up the healing process. Proper massage along with medical treatment helps to decrease recovery time from injury. The process relaxes the horse, eases spasm, reduces pain and increases the flow of blood and lymph circulation.

Conduct a comprehensive online search to get experts for your horse. The process requires conventional and complementary health care as well as appropriate training techniques. The professionals are trained to be able to make the horse perform at an optimum level. It is essential that you choose an expert in the treatment. If you notice that your horse is unable to back up, refusing jumps or dropping poles or unwilling to move forward; consult an expert.

For read more information: http://www.equinebackinaction.co.uk/



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    July 2013

